Your Voice Matters

Sharing some thoughts today for those who are feeling drained from content creation: 

It’s easy in this industry to feel like you’re not good enough, like you should just give up. We all know it’s true. We make jokes about it but, some brands see your worth, while others make you feel as though you are nothing. Slow growth and the algorithm make some days feel like it’s not worth the hassle. 

“It’s over-saturated.”

“I’m not making enough to sustain my life.”

“I didn’t start early enough.”

For example, last week I was offered $10 for a feed post and a video last week from a brand who shall not be named. I was livid. I reach about 70k a week and would have to spend a few hours shooting that content. The wanted to pay for my lunch in exchange for creating high quality content and reaching 70,000 people? 🤯

On the other hand there is companies like @bornecollection. One of the co-founders, @_shannaniganss_ took time out of her day to video chat about an upcoming campaign with me. We made a real connection and it was clear she valued me as a creator. It gave me a boost she most likely didn’t even realize I was looking for. It reminded me that the real reason we do this is to make connections. 

We all have to continue to learn everyday that sharing your life isn’t easy and you have to know your worth. Work with those who see it, and forget those who do not. You will fail and you will sometimes feel as though you have started to lose yourself in the ads and the email briefs. 

This is normal and if you can re-center and remember how f-ing amazing you are, then there’s NOTHING that can stop you. This blessing and a curse we call the big wide web is jam packed with opportunities. Let’s ditch the excuses and grab hold of what’s right in front of us. 

You are powerful, your opinions and your life matter. You will never know how your showing up on social may be part of the reason someone has a better day. Keep showing up, keep connecting with people and most importantly, remember to BE YOURSELF. 💛 

Thanks for coming to my TED talk and have a fabulous Friday eve. ✌🏼

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